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Runaway love
Im really a simple person.
Just dont break the rules, & you'll
step out of here safe and sound.

Provoke me, and i'll provoke you. :D
Kindly dont spam, just have integrity
and write down your name like everyone does.

Hello, my name is yingxuan. (:
I enrol in this school in Bukitpanjang.
My birthday is always a secret,
Unless you want to ask me in my personal blog.
I love doing nonsensical things. >:D
Meet new bestfriends in secschool
Always have money, Lol.
Sushi for dinner, LOL.
Pass highermothertongue aptitude test
And blahblahblah, forgotten, :D
I got a serious forgetful-ness memory here, :D
More of my wishes will be uploaded cause
I really need some time to get my memory back,
so pity me, kay? D:

Will come soon enough, :D!

January 2009 July 2009

Layout by Jieting | Ordinaryboy
This layout is best viewed in Internet Explorer 7 & above. Its done using Photoshop CS3 Extended.

Someones watching over me - Hilari Duff
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Title: Yingxuan and Suyee's Legend. :D

The Legend Of The Dead Entwined Couple.


Have you ever heard of the legend of the dead entwined couple, who kept their pledge of love till this very day? This tragedy happened half a century ago, fifty years ago to be exact. When we think of sad couples, who died because of their tragic love lives, will we sympathize with their situation? Or will we think that it served them right? This legend is still passed on to the future generations today, it tells a sad love-triangle tale with many twists and turns, and I am here to reveal the exact truth of the happenings on that fateful day, 4th April 1959.

This story is set in a school which is now about to be demolished in Singapore. It was about this young 16-year old couple called, Jack and Jill. They were the most compatible couple in the school back then. The other high school students would scream and made a huge fuss when they walk past the school hallways. All was happy, but ever since that day, things changed. Also another character in this story, another boy, Tom, was an exchange student in this school. Since the day he saw Jill, he had already planted seeds of devotion for her into his heart. Tom secretly befriended Jill and found out all about Jack and Jill’s deep love for each other. Devastation turned to rage and he couldn’t accept it. So, Tom vowed with his soul that he would seek his revenge on Jack and Jill till they were completely reduced to ashes! Never did Tom expect that he would do things beyond his control, betraying his friends and changing the odds in a most unexpected way.

The lovebirds often hung out at the rooftop, and it was also the venue where betrayal and death comes upon. Tom secretly followed them and was enraged when he saw Jack and Jill together. His fists clenched, ready to do anything beyond his control. ‘This is the time for revenge! Do it Tom!’ Tom’s heart went ahead with the plan, but he was wavering at the same time. Misty clouds hovered above the blood-red moon, creating a misty atmostphere in that ominous night. Suddenly, a shattering scream broke the silence. ‘JACK LOOK OUT!’

Everything seemed to act in a split second. Tom threw Jack over the wall and flung him down from the rooftop. He seemed as though he was a mad beast hungering for food. Suddenly, Tom took out his penknife and slashed Jill’s throat. Blood spurted out, staining their uniform blood red – as red as the moon. It was their doomsday. Jill knew she was going to die, only having a more sufferable pain than Jack. She murmured her last words under her breath as she dropped to the ground, as if she was a fallen cherry blossom. Instead of having rosy lips, it turned deathly white and pale in color. But what hurt her was emotional pain and not physical pain, she was betrayed by a friend she had once loved and cherished. Silently, she cursed the school,

“Oh holy moon of the blood cursed night.
I curse this school for its deathly might.
The students and teachers shan’t be spared,
Thee shall not forgive till he comes back.”

Thunder crashed and lightning flashed. The curse was decreed, nothing could be done. Waves of memories washed past Jill with memories of Jack. She tightly kept her memories locked to her mind, not letting them seep away. Jill breathed her last, but her eyes weren’t closed. She wanted to show that there was Injustice in the World, but her family didn’t know. Few hours later, some prefects patrolling the area saw their lifeless bodies, separated by a large brick wall – one on top, and one below. The prefects’ faces turned white and immediately reported the incident to the head teachers. Many said it was tragic on how the couple’s love died on that very day.

The two lovers were thus separated. Their parents thought an argument broke out between Jack and Jill and after pushing Jack down from the fourth storey, Jill could not face the impending consequences and so, killed herself by slashing a penknife at her own throat. Both of their parents were so ashamed of them and they did not even bother to investigate their deaths. They also did not find a proper burial for Jack and Jill.

Since that day, students of the school have reported seeing unwanted sights of the couple, wandering around the school and asking for a priest to conduct their marriage for final peace. But the teachers thought that what the couple did was an unforgivable act and it was a disgrace to this Elite school and so, despite the constant sightings of the Untwined Couple, the teachers refused to conduct an Un-dead marriage ceremony in the school and shunned the comments related to the Untwined Couple. Till this very day, the Untwined Couple would be seen with locked hands, at the rooftop, chanting the curse together.

The moral of this story is, "Justice will always be served, never do things which the hands of Justice seeks." And come to think of it, the next day, a pool of fresh blood appeared at the scene where Jack and Jill were murdered. Did the blood belong to Tom’s? We may never know…

My love, 6:42 AM

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Title: My holidays :D!

Right, its been ages since I posted in my english blog :D! Basically I've been neglecting this blog, and giving attention to my other blog. Today's post is all about my holidays(which's kind of boring) and after that reflections of the H1N1 epidemic.

I don't quite remember the things I've done in holiday, but I've done little studying :X! I was mostly out all of the time, barely at home. Well, there is only one month to this June holidays thing, and its better to cherish it than miss it when its over right :D! I've been to the Councillors camp(which im successfully a councillor now), chalet family gatherings, and ran to movies with friends. :D

I think throughout all, its better to post about my Councillors Camp, because it's the most fun activity in my holidays so far? We had some Ice-breaker games at the CLC room, got to know many friends(who's not in my class) through the Councillors Camp. We played many games and then the next day, we went to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve for a hiking trip. The trip was about 6-7hours? Well, it was really arduous. Everyone were really hungry and thirsty because you could only reach a specific location before having your snacks. But, we learned many things about teamwork and how co-peration was important where we helped each other in this 'survival camp' The camp was really great :D! I feel sorry for the h1n1 situation in countries all over the world for the people battling with this disease.

My love, 9:18 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

2009, Orientation'Camp.

We had the orientation'camp on the 16thJanuary,
until the 20thJanuary. It was a 4days and 3nights camp.
Although the camp there was rather arduous,
we learnt many values such as respect and teamwork there.
On the 1st Day, we went to unpack in the bunk,
and gathered downstairs at the field for outdoor cooking.
It took about about 45minutes for the noodles to soften
LOL. Must wait until next day can eat dinner uh? -.-
while at home it took less than 10minutes. This
experience taught us to be more independant.
Me, suyee, nerissa, xinrui and zawati couldn't sleep,
so we played truth or dare at the bunk. xD. LOL.
Then 2nd Day, we went for the NE Hike, we walked
for like more than 6hours, and went to the Changi Chapel
& Museum and learnt more about the noble heroes who helped
in the independance of Singapore. We ran out of water halfway D:!

3rd Day, we went for high elements and rafting.
The high elements were okayyyy. Rafting was super really
not fun. Like, we built the raft for an hour.
And suddenly, the instructor said we couldn't
go onto the raft. >:(. We practiced our cheers throughout
the whole orientation camp to perform during the
campfire on 22ndJanuary, which was over(LOL!).
Kay, tired of posting alrdy. l:

Ps, really hard to type out posts instead of my authentic blog leyy, cause trying really hard not to type singlish(D:)

My love, 8:13 AM


Hello. (:!

A short brief introduction on myself.
I am this someone studying in this school in BukitPanjang.
Im serious in everything i do in studies,
and my most hated subjects is maths and other
boring subjects which makes me fall asleep in class. l:
I will be posting what I want to post here.
This is not my authentic blog, please do ask if you want to know

My love, 8:04 AM